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- FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles
- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 5:
- The CDDB was a more compact version of the laser, which was successfully
- tested aboard a modified KC-135 jet tanker. It produced intense infrared
- radiation with a power of over one megawatt - which is 1,000,000 watts. An
- industrial 10,000 satellite laser was 100 times more powerful. I was not as
- powerful as the Russian Charged Particle Beam, but it was powerful enough
- that it should be able to cripple or destroy the Russian attacker. All this
- hinged, of course, on actually getting the Shuttle and payload deployed.
- According to the plan, the *Columbia* was intended to lift off on a sunny
- morning in mid-April, 1981. Millions would be watching on television as
- Young and Crippen roared upward into the sky and into orbit. Then the scene
- would shift to the standard coverage of Young and Crippen in their cockpit,
- and for a little over two days the coverage would continue off and on.
- There would be cockpit scenes, scenes in Mission Control, and so on, and
- there would be some seemingly unexpected problems, nothing serious but just
- enough to add a touch of spice to the story and the real stuff. Television
- viewers would have no suspicion that they were only watching excerpts from
- numerous simulations of the flight. In its cover-up of the SKYLAB fiasco,
- NASA learned well the techniques of deception.
- Meanwhile, there would be no television coverage at all of the real flight
- except for the initial lift-off. Instead, when Young and Crippen reached
- orbit, they would go to work instantly. They would depressurize the cabin,
- open the cargo hatch, and move the robot spy satellite component away from
- the *Columbia.* They would also remove a *Gemini*-type two-man space
- capsule from the *Columbia* cargo bay. After moving these things several
- hundred yards away from the *Columbia,* the two astronauts would close the
- cargo bay by remote control.
- They would maneuver down underneath the *Columbia* for a quick visual
- inspection of the condition of the thermal tiles, but the urgency of
- setting up the robot satellite would leave no time for any attempt to
- repair any tiles. If the astronauts were to do that, they would lose
- precious time both in setting up the satellite and in making good their own
- escape in the *Gemini* capsule. This is why NASA refused to include a tile
- repair kit on the first Shuttle mission. As NASA administrator, Robert
- Forsch, said in a news conference, "I felt in the end that it would be
- likely to increase risk, perhaps not risk with regard to the tile system
- but risk with regard to the safety of the whole flight."
- After a very brief inspection, the astronauts would turn over control of
- the *Columbia* to NASA in Houston with the words: "Okay for retrofire."
- Then they would float away from the *Columbia* and set to work immediately
- on assembling the robot spy satellite. It was expected that they would
- complete the job within about four orbits. As soon as the robot satellite
- would be assembled and operating, Young and Crippen would board their
- *Gemini*-type space capsule.
- If all went according to plan, they would drop out of orbit and splash down
- in the Pacific Ocean. It would only be the evening of the same day of
- launch, but on television the falsified NASA coverage would still be
- showing tapes of Young and Crippen in the simulated cockpit of the
- *Columbia.* Young and Crippen would be then picked up at sea after their
- secret splashdown. From there they were to be transported to Edwards Air
- Force Base in California to await further events and orders.
- Some 12 hours after the launch from Cape Canaveral, Houston would send a
- retrofire signal to the now unmanned *Columbia.* The Shuttle's engines
- would fire. Somewhere over the Indian Ocean the Space Shuttle would enter
- the atmosphere. It would be the first complete test of the Shuttle's
- thermo-tiles. If they worked, *Columbia* would survive re-entry. Then at
- lower altitude, piloting of the *Columbia* would be taken over by remote
- control. If all went well, the *Columbia* would touch down in the great
- sandy desert of western Australia.
- For years I used an HP-41CX hand held calculator until I wore out the keys.
- When I bought it, the ads said that the Shuttle astronauts carried one of
- these in orbit so that it would take over and land the Shuttle in case the
- on-board computer failed. I probably still have that literature around
- somewhere. The point is, the Shuttle can easily be landed (launched and
- flown, for that matter) by computer.
- It was planned that all of these things would take place during the first
- day of the supposed 54-hour mission of Young and Crippen. Then for the
- final act of the charade, we would be told on television that the *Columbia
- was re-entering over the Pacific Ocean; and finally, lo and behold the
- Space Shuttle would glide into view. Everyone would watch in awe and
- fascination as the Shuttle dipped lower and lower over Edwards Air Force
- Base, California, to the resounding double boom of the shock waves giving
- physical proof of the journey. The fact that everything passing through the
- sound barrier in flight would give a boom would be totally overlooked in
- the intrigue and relief of the moment.
- Finally the craft would touch down on the dry lake bed and gradually brake
- to a stop, and out would climb Young and Crippen. Everyone would assume
- that they were climbing out of the *Columbia,* HOWEVER THEY WOULD ACTUALLY
- BE DISEMBARKING FROM THE *ENTERPRISE.* It was the *Enterprise* which we saw
- in those landing tests in August of 1977, and it would be the familiar
- *Enterprise* which we would see making another perfect landing. The craft
- would have been touched a bit to appear that it had come from space, but
- that was intentional fraud.
- This was, of course, a desperate gamble. However, if the mission worked, it
- would carry off a major deceit pattern for privacy to the program, but it
- would also bring the entire world much closer to thermonuclear war.
- Although failure was anticipated and carefully covered, and as it turned
- out was necessary, we would be on the road to one incredible hoax following
- another in ever-increasing magnitude. This, of course, has been the
- subsequent course of events.
- April 12, 1981, was the 20th anniversary of the first manned flight into
- space. It was the anniversary of the first orbital flight by Russian
- cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. It also became a day of total confusion and
- disarray among the Bolshevik masters of America's Space Shuttle program.
- Less than eight minutes after launch that Sunday morning, they knew
- something had happened to the *Columbia.* We were still hearing the sound
- effects of a seemingly successful flight, courtesy of the NASA tape
- recording from Houston. But the military controllers at White Sands who
- were following the real flight were hearing nothing at all. *Columbia* had
- failed to arrive over the Indian Ocean on schedule.
- More bad news came: NORAD was tracking the fuel tank of the Shuttle. It was
- not supposed to be in orbit at all - but there it was, in orbit. That
- looked impossible, to say the least.
- That evening, Sunday, April 12, the Shuttle's fuel tank re-entered over the
- Gulf of Mexico just south of Louisiana. The tank had ruptured but there was
- still a sizable amount of liquid hydrogen and oxygen inside. When the tank
- re-entered, it heated up and set off an enormous explosion and also created
- a giant cloud at the fringes of space.
- Goldplating, which is used extensively in the Shuttle fuel tank because of
- its heat transfer properties, was vaporized and scattered through the
- clouds which was interesting in itself and gave a wondrous show. The result
- was the same as when gold is added in tiny quantities to stained window
- glass - a brilliant pinkish-red color. The giant pink cloud, with chunks of
- ruined fuel tank flashing in the sun, created headlines as it passed to the
- northeast over Louisiana and Mississippi. Meanwhile our "good old boys"
- poo-poohed it all as, "a natural phenomenon."
- The American elite Bolsheviks were not quite sure what had happened to the
- *Columbia,* but they did know that as far as Space was concerned, the
- Shuttle Program was their only hope. They had three more orbital Shuttles
- hidden away at White Sands and they intended to launch them all, no matter
- what the odds might be, so the NASA cover-up of the *Columbia* disaster
- went right on according to plan.
- In the late part of the 1970s the existence of man-made genetic replicas of
- human beings was made public. The revealers were locked away instantly and
- the key tossed. It was disbelieved although motion pictures were made as
- sci-fi and the subject buried under threat of penalty of death to
- disclosers. They, however, did (and do) exist and were pressed into service
- right before our eyes. We didn't even blink at them - no sir, we just
- gobbled up the lie, chewed it and swallowed it in total.
- If I have not lost you yet, this will probably do it. Genetic replicas?
- Human robots? You can't be serious! you will say. Call them look-alike
- stand-ins if that will make it easier for you to believe, but they were in
- fact GENETIC COPIES. You need to study what is going on in such places as
- Dulce, New Mexico! The Bible says that at the end time it will be like it
- was at the time of Noah, and records show that at the time of Noah, genetic
- manipulation was going on!
- Using stand-ins is a common procedure. For instance, the book *The Strange
- Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt* by Emmanuel M. Josephson, copyright 1948,
- said in the chapter titled "Roosevelt's Odd Ailments and His Strange Death"
- that both Roosevelt and Churchill were poisoned at the Teheran conference
- with Stalin. "At Teheran Roosevelt and Churchill met with Stalin to confirm
- the division of the World between them. During the conference, Roosevelt
- had been prevailed upon by the Russians to stay at the Russian Embassy
- because, the Russians said, the American Embassy was not safe.
- At the Russian Embassy, it is reported, a special courtesy was extended to
- the guests. They were assigned a special waiter who served them
- exclusively. It was later discovered that the waiter was a physician who
- specialized in the science of poisoning, toxicology. The use of doctors
- under Russia's state medical system in disposing of persons whom the
- powers-that-be wished out of the way, by poisoning them, has been attested
- to in the Moscow purge trials. Dr. Levine testified that he had been
- ordered by his superiors to poison Maxim Gorki and had done so.
- "Shortly after their departure, Winston Churchill became extremely ill. He
- was hurried TO EGYPT where he was so sick that his death was expected
- momentarily. But his life was saved by a protege of his, Sir Arthur
- Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin."
- "Roosevelt also was extremely ill on his return. He was unable to walk or
- stand unassisted, and never recovered his strength." Friends, the man who
- was elected as President for the 4th term was NOT ROOSEVELT! When he died,
- "Admiral McIntyre, FDR's physician, is reported to have said that
- Roosevelt's body was not embalmed; that in less than four hours after
- death, it had turned black, a reaction that occurs among other cases, in
- event of arsenic poisoning" (p. 285).
- On page 286, it says, "A careful study of the few photographs of Roosevelt
- released in 1944 raised the question of whether they are really photographs
- of Roosevelt or of a stand-in. It was widely known that there were a number
- of stand-ins who resembled Roosevelt so closely that they appeared for him
- on occasions. If the suspicions raised by the photographs are well founded,
- the mystery deepens. What did happen to Roosevelt? Who was it that
- campaigned and was re-elected in 1944?"
- Who indeed? Remember, that book was written in 1948. On page 287 it says
- evidence indicated that Roosevelt had killed himself with a "small silver
- pistol." It says, "His burial without autopsy was a criminal act and a
- flagrant violation of the law. There is more in this situation than meets
- the eye." Ah, so! He ends the chapter by saying, "The deception perpetrated
- on the public in regard to Roosevelt's health is characteristic of that
- which prevailed in all matters during his Administration." The situation is
- much worse, NOW, friends!
- Tuesday morning, April 14, genetic replicas called "Synthetics" of the then
- late astronauts, Young and Crippen, were readied at White Sands. They were
- programmed to take a computerized ride on the training Shuttle
- *Enterprise.* The Young and Crippen entities boarded the *Enterprise* which
- was mounted on top of the launched 747. After rocket fuel was loaded for
- the Shuttle, the 747 took off and headed west, avoiding commercial air
- traffic. The launched 747 headed out over the Pacific until it was several
- hundred miles west of Los Angeles. Then it turned back east toward the
- California coast. On television we were told that the non-existent
- *Columbia* was re-entering from orbit.
- Meanwhile the *Enterprise,* re-labeled *Columbia,* was cut loose from the
- 747 and fired its rockets. It sped up to a speed of nearly 6,000 miles per
- hour, then we watched it as it made that dramatic race in from the sea to a
- precise computer landing at Edwards Air Force Base. It was all timed to
- agree as closely as possible with the official NASA timetable to further
- convince us of the security and efficiency of the system.
- Even so, a technical mistake was made that morning and as a result we were
- told that the Shuttle would land six minutes early. Think about it, six
- minutes in orbit corresponds to nearly a 2,000 mile error in the location
- of the Shuttle, but on TV nobody bothered to so much as question it.
- Everyone just smiled and said how lovely a day to watch a Shuttle land.
- Following the dramatic landing, former astronaut Gene Cernan expressed
- surprise on ABC television. He said the Shuttle simply did not look
- scorched enough for a ship that had re-entered from orbit. Likewise, when
- the synthetics called Young and Crippen emerged, they did not act like men
- who had been weightless for two days.
- Instead they bounded down the access steps and pranced around with restless
- energy but no one questioned it in the least. After all, we had all seen
- that Shuttle landing for ourselves and hundreds had been first-hand
- witnesses to the landing at Edwards; we had also heard and felt those sonic
- booms. Surely the government would not lie to us.
- Three more identical Shuttles like the *Columbia* were waiting their turn
- in the desert at White Sands. Each would have the same label, "*Columbia,*"
- painted on its side. The first *Columbia* was now quite dead along with its
- crew, but thanks to "doubles" the *Columbia* would continue to live on as
- the astronauts would be removed from public view except on rare and
- "distant" occasions when appearance would be inevitable and actors would be
- able to carry out the assignments.
- On April 28, 1981, we were all tuned in to our TV boxes to watch President
- Reagan's address. The speech was to gain and build support for the
- Administration's budget, but most people were interested because it was the
- first speech by the President since the assassination attempt nearly a
- month earlier. People were too absorbed in the dramatic re-appearance of a
- wounded President to pay much attention to anything else. No one cared very
- much that the Space Shuttle "*Columbia*" supposedly arrived back in Florida
- that day - on the back of its transport ship. The *Columbia* was a great
- success as far as the citizens knew - we had seen EVERYTHING OURSELVES ON